• Publication „Revitalised cultural heritage. Results of the EEA Grants support for Lithuania“

    Published at June 22, 2017 - News, Projects, Uncategorized


    The programme “Conservation and Revitalization of Cultural and Natural Heritage” under the 2009-2014 EEA financial mechanism is a result of fruitful cooperation between Lithuanian and Norwegian institutions. Thanks to the 19 projects carried out, a high number of 85 cultural heritage buildings have been preserved. The programme was aimed at preserving a part of rich and diverse Lithuanian cultural heritage for future generations, ensuring that it is adapted to the public’s needs and increasing awareness of cultural heritage significance. The priority was given to preservation of wooden architecture, establishment of cultural heritage research centres, finalisation of works in partly restored cultural heritage objects, the fostering of etnograhic villages architecture and the Jewish heritage.

    The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania has published an information about all the results achieved under the EEA Grants Programme. Here you also can find a presentation of PI “Academy of Cultural Heritage” project „The actualization and restoration of the wooden cultural heritage in Lithuania in collaboration with Norwegian specialists of cultural heritage applying the Norwegian experience to the landlord house of Pavirvytė manor (the unique code in the registry of Cultural values – 36246)“.


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