• Maintenance works of landlord house of Pavirvytė manor are finished

    Published at August 7, 2016 - Uncategorized

    pavirvyte_galutines-7PI “Academy of Cultural Heritage” together with the partner from Norway (Sigdal museum) are finishing to implement the project: The actualization and restoration of the wooden cultural heritage in Lithuania in collaboration with Norwegian specialists of cultural heritage applying the Norwegian experience to the landlord house of Pavirvytė manor (the unique code in the registry of Cultural values – 36246).

    The project is funded according to the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Conservation and Revitalization of Cultural and Natural Heritage Program. The activities of this project are funded with the support money amount of 565 000 EUR. Additional money amount of 70 000 EUR is funded by project’s executor.

    One of the main activities – maintenance works (applied research, projecting, restoration works) and regulative construction works (major repair) of landlord house at Pavirvytė manor (Mažeikiai region municipality, Pavirvytė village) which illustrates a unique type of building construction and has a huge historical importance – has been finished and this wooden heritage object is resurrected for new life.

    There were performed applied research (historic, iconographic, architectural, constructional, polychromic) before starting to prepare technical project of maintenance works (restoration, repair) and  major repair of Pavirvytė manor landlord house in order to evaluate and to determine the time of occurrence, historical development of changes  of landlord house of Pavirvytė manor, to determine authentic architectural and constructional structure, their elements and structural condition of building, to determine and to evaluate colors of interior and exterior and possible impact of planned works for still unknown valuable features of interior. Also there was performed archaeological exploratory research.

    Maintenance works of foundation, facade, exterior wall structures, smoothing and decoration, windows, interior wall structures and finishing, floor structures and remain floor covering, elements of interior, doors and tile stoves, ceiling structures, roof structures and roof covering, pavement around the building and painting works of interior spaces and separate elements of building façade were projected and performed according to the detailed research data and seeking to restore this cultural object and to apply it to the cultural activity needs of local community.

    Also there were projected and set up internal engineering networks (heating, ventilation, water supply, wastewater, electricity, fire and security alarms, electronic communications) and external engineering networks (water supply, wastewater, external electricity and lightning protection).

    Maintenance documentation of project of Pavirvytė manor landlord house was prepared by JSC “Erdvės norma“ (head of the project A. Prikockienė), preparation works were performed by JSC “Telšių meistras“ which has a long-term experience in maintaining cultural heritage objects.

    More information about the project: head of the project Indrė Rutkauskaitė, tel./fax (370 5) 2619886, +37068413902, e-mail:
